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🌍 The global authority on record breaking achievements since 1955
The First Ghostbuster
The First Ghostbuster

Haunting Halloween Records
Haunting Halloween Records

Record-Breaking Twins' Secrets Revealed
Record-Breaking Twins' Secrets Revealed

Glass Balance Boss
Glass Balance Boss

Longest Nose Ever
Longest Nose Ever

Being Different is a Blessing
Being Different is a Blessing

I Am The Wolf
I Am The Wolf

Mattress Dominoes
Mattress Dominoes

Tight Fit
Tight Fit

Legendary Skater
Legendary Skater

His Record Inspired a Movie
His Record Inspired a Movie

How Hard Is His Head?
How Hard Is His Head?

Epic Cereal Box Dominoes
Epic Cereal Box Dominoes

What's Poppin'?
What's Poppin'?