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Having a rough day? Welcome to the show that brings you all things Nice! From viral clips that will make you cry from laughing, we’re here to give you you’re daily does of serotonin!
Would You Let Her Punch You?
Would You Let Her Punch You?

Oh No!
Oh No!

Bug In Food Prank 😱 🤣
Bug In Food Prank 😱 🤣

What's The "Dolphin"Dance?
What's The "Dolphin"Dance?

POV: Eye Contact Challenge!
POV: Eye Contact Challenge!

You Won't Believe What Happens Next!
You Won't Believe What Happens Next!

Influencers Caught Faking This?
Influencers Caught Faking This?

Gym-Fluencers Be Like! 😱
Gym-Fluencers Be Like! 😱

His Rizz Was Cringe! 😬
His Rizz Was Cringe! 😬

Brooke Monk's Got Rizz! 🥰😍
Brooke Monk's Got Rizz! 🥰😍

Dating A Twin Gone Wrong! 🤣
Dating A Twin Gone Wrong! 🤣

Name This Cosplayer!
Name This Cosplayer!

His GF Was Being Sus! 😱😨
His GF Was Being Sus! 😱😨

Best Baddie Fit Of The Year? 🧐🥰
Best Baddie Fit Of The Year? 🧐🥰